JF Old Timer
Posts: 235
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: 米国の何処だろう?

07-08-2010, 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Sinestra
Remember you have no right to tell anyone how to vote, obviously the people who voted for Obama and for MCcain voted for their own personal reasons. If everyone should vote like you then we cease to be democracy. Now you have a problem with how Obama has handled North Korea thats your right. But dont sit here like you are on some kind of holy mount and have all answers and say you hope other Americans are miserable.
Heres a tip America will always have enemies on the inside and out no matter who is seated in the white house and honestly pleasing all of the American public is impossible to do. If you dont like him then show it the democratic way vote him out when his term is up. But dont wish ill will on the average working American whos just trying to get by what the hell is wrong with you.
Well said.