Originally Posted by noodle
I know right? The world would be such a better place without Englishmen like you!
From here to the end of the post, I'm gonna play the guessing game again  , I was right about you being English wasn't I? The only thing wrong with English football is fans like you that expect too much and get over sensitive when they don't win 5-0!!!
Get over yourself, self-righteousness isn't something I emit. On the other hand, you? Well, it's especially true since you're one of those English fans that starts letting their traps lose the moment someone disagrees with them! Perhaps, if you actually read my post and saw the next sentence, you wouldn't be trying to go for this bad boy online persona which makes you look like an absolute idiot!
Go home and complain at how English footballers need to get paid less! You suck!
I knew you wouldn't simply let it go so easily, but then again, I like reading the crap you write, it makes my popcorn tastier. And here I thought we were making progress, but alas, your retardation strikes again, and again I must enlighten you. I'm not English, nor was I born in any English speaking country. Shocking isn't it? Here's another shocking thing. I'm not a fan of England's football team and the reason why I bashed English football players because I think England's team is overrated (just like your intelligence). So I said it once, but I see it was too difficult for your dippy brain to comprehend, but no worries, I'll say it again:
I'm suggesting you to stop being an obnoxious twat, who thinks he knows what people are thinking or implying, because you utterly UTTERLY suck at it.