Originally Posted by Aniki
I knew you wouldn't simply let it go so easily, but then again, I like reading the crap you write, it makes my popcorn tastier. And here I thought we were making progress, but alas, your retardation strikes again, and again I must enlighten you. I'm not English, nor was I born in any English speaking country. Shocking isn't it? Here's another shocking thing. I'm not a fan of England's football team and the reason why I bashed English football players because I think England's team is overrated (just like your intelligence). So I said it once, but I see it was too difficult for your dippy brain to comprehend, but no worries, I'll say it again:
Come on dude, you're too good at this guessing what people will do... It's not fair! Let me win for once, I got it wrong... so you're Dutch right? Aww, did you just try to complement yourself? Mr implies he's some sort of genius because he speaks English well (oops, did I just guess what you were implying... how rude of me to not take your advice... must be my tiny brain again

hahahaha... that actually made me laugh... Who rated my intelligence? I didn't know it was being rated for it to be over-rated... I like you! You're talking to me and about me as if we actually know each other and have crossed paths enough times for you to create an image of me... oh wait, or is that what I'm doing???!
p.s. Can I have some of your popcorn? It sound delicious!