07-09-2010, 05:39 PM
Here is the French. I had to look up the nordic countries because I either never learned them or completely blanked out on them. In this font the accents were lost such as on Suede and Coree. But as I began typing the list I noticed forthe first time how close to the sound of English names the French really is. I have noticed it in other languages that they tend to be as close as possible to either the English name or the country's name in it's native toungue, i.e. Espana. And of course in French the gender designation is de rigeur.
(for some reason my edit for spaces or indents is being ignored too)
Hungary - La Hongrie
England - L' Angleterre
Germany - L' Allemange
Netherlands - La Hollande
Sweden - La Suede
Denmark - La Danemark
Finland - Le Finlande
Iceland - L' Islande
Czech Republic - République Tchèque
United States of America - Les Etats-unis d'Amerique
America - Amerique or Etats-unis
Japan - Le Japon
China - La Chine
Poland - La Pologne
France - La France
Greece - La Grece
Italy - L'Italie
Spain - L' Espange
Austria - L'Autriche
Switzerland - La Suisse
Turkey - La Turquie
Russia - La Russie
Australia - L'Australie
Korea - La Coree (Sud ou Nord)
Only an open mind and open heart can be filled with life. ********************* Find your voice; silence will not protect you.
Last edited by TalnSG : 07-09-2010 at 05:49 PM.
Reason: correct layout