I'm wondering if someone knows Arabic, and could help me with attached pronouns?
1. My book says: The damma of the pronouns marked with an asterisk (third person, singular, masculine/ third person, dual, masculine and feminine/ and third person, plural, masculine and feminine), sometimes changes into a kasra when the letter before it has a kasra on it, e.g. فِي كِتابِهِ - in his book.
- What does 'sometimes' mean? Does that mean that I can choose, or that it is spesific rules concerning when to change the dhammas to kasras, or does 'sometimes' mean 'every time'?
2. Could someone please correct me and see if I did this right?
نعم، خرج منها - Yes, he left (from) it (garden, f.)
نعم، جلستا حولها - Yes, they (f.dual) sat around it (table, f.)
Thank you.