07-10-2010, 02:34 AM
I agree with Debito, but he's more like Malcom X than he is like Martin Luther King, Jr, if I may be so crass as to compare this to the US civil rights movement.
I'm not dismissing Debito. I actually think he's right most of the time. I disagree with his tactics. The problem is, he scares ethnic Japanese people, and he reinforces their racist or bigoted opinions of non-Japanese, and non-ethnic Japanese. When Debito gets in people's faces about his nationality, and he is Japanese as far as my own view of citizenship is concerned, instead of creating an environment where a frank discussion of racism and bigotry can be had, most ethnic Japanese just think, "now I should avoid anyone who isn't ethnic Japanese as best I can, because if I offend one, I'm going to get yelled at/protested against/sued/arrested." It reinforces de facto segregation, even if it doesn't enforce a legal segregation. And the former is far, far more insidious, more difficult to overcome, and longer lasting.
Take a look at Atlanta's Vine City or Houston's Fifth Ward, if you don't want to believe me about how bad de facto segregation affects the party discriminated against...
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