07-10-2010, 05:27 AM
Japan is a very old country with an old way of thinking. It does not surprise me at all that things like this occur in some instances. My people have tunnel vision when it comes to many things. Ask my people to think outside of the box and be innovative and you may run into a brick wall. Ask my people about equality and fairness and you may draw question marks. However, that is part of what makes Japan Japan. What does surprise me however, is some people who go there and protest or make a huge deal about it. I think it's those in cultures where we are told to speak up and voice our opinions are the ones who has so much trouble with Japan. Japan is very different. I also think that it's people within the majority class where they come from who are so shocked about it because it's the first time they faced any type of discrimination.
I really have mixed feelings about it. Should you just brush it off and go to another hotel? Is this a case of when in Rome do as the Romans do? There is also this issue of having to deal with people of other cultures, habits, etc. It is really a pain in the ass to deal with for lots of Japanese. Japan is not diverse like some countries so there isn't that idea of understanding one another and acceptance. Historically, foreigners are always trying to tell Japan what to do. My people are more standoffish and don't like to get outside of that comfort zone, but some people seem to want push them out of it. Shouldn't it be ok for a private business to exclusively deal with Japanese clientele and not have to deal with language barriers or people who might do something that would be considered culturally offensive in Japan? I might shoot, there are many Japanese who have absolutely no interest with the world outside of Japan.