Conceptual Doubt
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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07-11-2010, 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by GoNative
Frankly what I find incredibly scary is the fact that even though we are now well into the 21st centrury and people still believe in the paranormal. It truly astounds me that people still believe in things like gods or ghosts or pshycics or astrology, etc.
These concepts which have their roots in the ignorance of the past, when human knowledge of the world around them was extremely limited have no place in todays age in my opinion.
Such willingness to believe in things for which there is no proof whatsoever is in my opinion a dangerous way of thinking. To believe in things on faith rather than logic and reason opens you up to believing in almost anything, I mean where do you decide to draw the line? Such thinking opens you up to being manipulated by religions, governments, cults and just about any crackpot organisation or individuals out there. When you require no proof to beleive in something is there anything that you wouldn't believe in? What for instance is more believable about the stories of Christ over those of Muhammad? Or maybe the Mormon stories of Christ coming to the US? Are they all right or are they all just as ridiculous as each other? In my opinion today more than ever with religious extemism on the rise throughout the world it is becoming more and more important that people turn away from faith based beliefs to those founded on facts and reasoned, logical thought.
The more you expand your knowledge about the world and cosmos around you the more you come to realise how incredibly amazing it is. You need no supernatural explanations to find wonder in everything around you. Science provides all the wonder you could ever want.
So, you assume that we should believe in what science tells us?
It might be your senses that form the "reality" that you're "in". Every thought you make might be a concept. Concepts, that might be created by you. Damn, even "creation" itself might be a concept! And even a concept might be a concept!
Try to think about something that you have not seen; Try to think about something that you have not heard.
Try to create a concept without any of your senses - You can't.
So, what's the use of the brain without senses? What's the use of a computer if it has no data to process?
And so if your brain doesn't have anything to process, do you exist? How can you affirm your existence? By someone else's "senses"?
I am an Agnostic, conceptually speaking.
"Agnosticism is the view that the truth value of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, but also other religious and metaphysical claims—is unknown or unknowable. (...) . In some senses, agnosticism is a stance about the similarities or differences between belief and knowledge, rather than about any specific claim or belief."

Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.