Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
thank you
can I use the word cob like this?
This boy, likes corns, especially grilled ones with the cobs(or on the cobs?)...
"He likes to eat corns on the cobs."
or can I say
"He likes to eat corn on the cob?"
hope someone can manage to understand what Im trying to say here!
oh and I have one more question!
When you explain what you like to do in general, maybe as a hobby or something...
"I like to play tennis."
but how about
"I like playing tennis."
any difference there?
"I like to play tennis" also means that you want to play tennis?
"to do" and "doing" are confusing.
I stopped smoking.
I stopped to smoke.
have a good day everyone 
It is generally pronounced "He likes to eat corn on the cob". Or "He enjoys eating corn on the cob."
Here are a few other examples:
My mom bought five ears of corn at the market. (When you want to say a certain number or amount of corn on the cob you would say "ears of corn" instead of corn on the cob or corns of cobs)
We are going to have corn on the cob for dinner. (Even though we are cooking more than one ear of corn we still say "corn on the cob".)
Now as for the tennis question.
Both "I like to play tennis" and "I like playing tennis" are correct.
If you want to play tennis right now or in the future you would say "I would like to play tennis."
Some other examples-
"I am going to play tennis this afternoon."
"Would you like to play tennis?" or "Do you want to play tennis?"
"I played tennis yesterday."
"Were you playing tennis earlier?" or "Did you play tennis earlier?"
I hope this is helpful! I'll keep checking back for more questions