Conceptual Doubt
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07-11-2010, 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by kunitokotachi
It's difficult to understand what you are trying to say. Are you saying that you don't believe in science at all? You have never mixed certain chemicals in like a chemistry class with your classmates and achieved the same results? You have never worked out a mathmatical formula or worked out any kind of scientific experiments?
No, it's not difficult at all. In sum, I'm saying the process of believing itself is a concept created by the human mind, therefore, it's a human concept. Every "knowledge" we create is just that - our creation.
We gave those chemicals a name, and different categories. Because we can see different shapes, different colors, different smells, and whatsoever. So we can categorize chemicals. Same goes with math - We invented the numbers. You cannot apply Math (in its own category - It's not physics I'm talking about) in physical things.
Originally Posted by kunitokotachi
You say we cannot create a concept without our senses? What about thought, imagination, and critical thinking. These don't require taste, sight, touch, smell, or hearing.
Thought? Try to think without any kind of information. Let us imagine that you've been born with NO senses - How can you "think" if there is NO sensorial information?
Imagination? You are able to imagine because you have your senses. You can imagine something you haven't seen (like a chimera, for example) but you cannot imagine inexistent forms and shapes. You can only imagine something with the colors that your eyes capt. Imagine microwave or UV rays - You cannot. Why? Because you cannot see them, therefore you cannot imagine them.
Originally Posted by kunitokotachi
Also, im not understanding the diagram. Why would the senses be separate from the brain leading to human reality?
The diagram is simple to understand. It's the connection of senses with your brain that forms the human reality. The sensorial-human reality.
A bat, for example, has its own reality. Because it cannot see, yet, it uses echolocation, which gives it another grasp of the reality. It's his sensorial reality created by its senses.
Originally Posted by kunitokotachi
Last, I'm not understanding this term "human reality." Reality is what it is. Our senses and thought process allows us to navigate, learn, and understand reality. I think rather than use this word reality, I think we should just say the world we live in.
Human reality is the result of the connection [Brain-Senses]. Reality is what you make it. Your senses, together with your brain, gives you the ability to create concepts.
Human conceptual world/reality.
Edit: Check the Allegory of the Cave (Plato)
Allegory of the Cave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.
Last edited by JasonTakeshi : 07-12-2010 at 12:19 PM.