Nyororin -
First of all I want to say that your story is amazing. I admire you for doing what felt right for you and following your heart. I hope your family is well.
So far today I've read I think up to page 57 of this thread... and I had a few questions that as far as I can tell haven't been asked yet. (Anybody that wants to is welcome to answer

My fiance and I are both U.S. citizens so I know that we can both visit for three months without a visa. My question is regarding the visas for a longer stay.. am I right in thinking there are only the work visa and student visa? My main question is do they have an option for someone that can show that they have sufficient funds to live in Japan without having to work? (I'm not rich or anything) I'm thinking about the future after saving and inheriting/selling a family home. I have to admit I feel lazy asking but I just thought if anyone happened to know I would appreciate any information.
As for just visiting for 3 months can anyone tell me how difficult it may or may not be to rent a small apartment for 3 months? (something with a private bathroom but it can be a studio apt sized) I know that we wouldn't want to stay in a hotel that whole time.
As for everyday life I was wondering how available non-Japanese foods and/or the ingredients to make non-Japanese dishes are in Japan? Now when I ask this please understand that we enjoy Japanese food very much and I've been learning to cook more Japanese dishes but for example my fiance who's Japanese/Filipino and was born in Hawaii really likes Spam Musubi and this may seem stupid but I'm really not sure how available Spam is in Japan. From what I understand Spam Musubi is more of a Hawaiian dish. I'm just curious really.
Thank you in advance for any answers.