I never claimed science has all the answers to everything. I actually said it's an ongoing process of discovery. I also didn't claim that there is any proof of the non existence of higher powers, ghosts, santa claus, the easter bunny, whatever...
The point I've been making is to completely believe in something that does not have any proof whatsoever is simply ridiculous. Frankly it reeks of some sort of desperation to suspend rational thinking and just have faith in something which in all likelyhood will never be proved conclusively one way or the other. For a good read on the why things like the paranormal and supernatural can never really be disproved look up Carl Sagan: "A Fire-Breathing Dragon Lives in my Garage".
You say you never claimed science has all the answers, yet it's ridiculous to believe in something that science doesn't have proof of, when science doesn't have the answers? Even if it's never been disproven? According to you, it's only ok to believe in something as long as it's proven by a science that is flawed. It is just as desperate to rely on second hand sources to tell you what you need to believe than it is to rely on something that is neither proven nor disproven. One way, you're going to fall into the hands of other people who will toy with your mind and laugh at you, who is soaking up all this "science". The other way, you're free to think what you want, and believe what you want.
It's a wonder why I choose my religion over being a mindless puppet.
Can science also be manipulated? Of course it can. Especially in this day and age of the internet it can be extremely hard to sort out the credible and the bogus science circulating out there. People can post anything on the internet circumventing the normal rigorous process of review credible scientific papers have to go through to get published. And if we have a public out there who is on the whole mostly scientifically illiterate then how can they possibly discern the good from the bad? It's definitely an issue. The only hope in my opinion lies in better education and communication of science. Or you can continue living in a fairytale world believing in gods, ghosts and such...Is it not better to strive to fully understand the world around us rather than just putting it down to something supernatural when an explanation is not immediately apparent?
There will never be a world where everyone will understand everything about the world scientifically. And therefore, there will always be someone out there who can easily lie to you. Scientists will never fully understand the world, and each individual person will never understand it either.
I'd rather live loving the world, it's magic, and it's mysteries than not have anything to love about it at all.