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(#2 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
07-12-2010, 04:26 AM

You could always look this kind of stuff up on google. When I've made them/seen them made, salt is usually mixed in with the rice. It's a good idea to wash your hands before you start. Even if you do wash your hands, it's a good idea to use saran wrap to ball the rice up with. Most rice "balls" are actually triangular in shape. If you want, you could put something in the middle, too. For example, people put umeboshi, salmon, mayonaise, hamburger, or pretty much whatever you can think of in rice balls. Umeboshi is probably the most "traditional" (besides plain) that I can think of. There are also mixes of things that you can put in the rice.

The ones I've eaten are made with white rice made with a regular old rice cooker. If you want to eat them with seaweed, you should put the seaweed on right before you eat it, as contact with the rice will cause that to go soggy. There are other things you can cover your rice with, too. You can also have no cover if you want (I'm talking about edible covers). you can wrap up your finished rice ball in saran wrap to protect them from flies and stuff. I think they taste better when they are not refrigerated... but I don't know how long they last without refridgeration.

PS: Be careful when handling hot rice that you've just taken out of a rice cooker as it can burn your hands.

Hopefully that helps you.
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