Posts: 666
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: East Scotland
07-12-2010, 09:27 AM
I think your right in some respects. The 'Kei' scene started with fashion, and sort of got 'tagged' on to music.
I agree. I think Oshare Kei stars can usually pull off a darker style, whereas Visual Kei stars can't pull off an Oshare Kei look, due to people being use to the darker look, although I'm sure a few can manage it. Miku would suit any style, even J-Pop or a hip-hop style if he wanted (but I hope he doesn't. lol)
I'm a Cafe-kko, Nyappy in the World. But GazeRock is not dead. 「Sixth Gun」です
An Cafe, Vidoll, Versailles, Dir En Grey, Deathgaze, the GazettE, alice nine., UVERworld, Kiryu , YUI, AKB48, Buono!, Berryz Koubou, C-ute, S/mileage, Morning Musume, Zoro, Lolita23Q, Visual Kei, Oshare Kei, J-Rock, J-Pop, Idol groups FTW (≧∀≦)