Thread: Maid Cafe?
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JTM (Offline)
Posts: 37
Join Date: Apr 2010
07-12-2010, 08:43 PM

Did a quick search and it does look like there is one "Maid Cafe" in Australia, although I'm not sure if it is still in business or not:

Aussie Maid Cafe - Tahmoor

You might want to check it out to see what it is like just to be cautious about whether or not it is legitimate food/snack establishment or a sleezy sex-club.

I'm still on the fence about whether Maid Cafes would work outside of Japan as it might be a hard sell to those who are not familiar with the gimmick or Japanese trend (outside of Japanese anime/otaku fan boys).

There was one in Canada but it had to shut down, I'm presuming due to lack of customers:

Maid Café in Canada Shuts Down (Updated) - Anime News Network|AU

Working at a Maid Cafe might seem like fun (wearing all the frilly, cute costumes) but you'll need to steel yourself against all the stares, unwanted sexual advances and possible harassment you're bound to get.

You should visit an actual Japanese Maid Cafe (if you haven't already) to see what they are really like before you and your friends decide on it:

Best Tokyo maid cafés |

There are also YouTube videos that show what a typical Maid Cafe looks like:

YouTube - "Tokyo Eye" - Maid Cafes Part 1

70s と 80s年代 の 日本映画, CM, J-POP, TVドラマ と アクション刑事ドラマ 大好き!
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