Originally Posted by TalnSG
Two of my cousins and I learned 20 years after the fact that we had simulataneous experienced the same "visitation". We each thought the others were asleep when startled my our grandmother's appearance in the bedroom on the night of her burial. And there have been a few other unexplained things I generally consider paranormal .... until proven otherwise.
i have heard many of these stories, especially when i was younger, that ppl have seen their relative's visions after they have passed out.
well, all i can say, i have only nice memories of my mother's mum, she was really great person and very careful, and i thank her very much for not showing herself to me in any vision after she has gone. she must have known that i would probably not cope with it and die from heart attack or, get a bit mental. you know, just the idea of seeing anyone i am convinced is dead... is quite terrifying, and despite i like all my parents, and grandparents, i don't want to meet them in any other form than alive, having that happen, i don't know, i would possibly even attack the vision in desperate defense