Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery
I think he was going for more of a "for what reason would any straight male wear laces and ruffles?" (Aside from acting, I guess).
It's an anachronistic style nowadays.
I know I know XDD I was just kidding....^^ no one would turn into gay just because of a dress or some makeup....and that's the point!!
But I can't understand, why shouldn't we accept, that some of the males do like to wear different styles in clothing and some of them do use make up....
I think its not in connection wit sexual orientation....they just love to be like that....and its not gay....it's called metrosexual.( don't mean they are attracted by men, it only means that they are sensitive about their own appearance)
And....it has been prooved yet (not just ones, by scientists) that women are attracted more by the men with feamale features....