Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery
Yeah, that's what I wanted to reiterate. It's not like I enjoy talking to brick walls, but there's no way to really tell someone's personality without having physical chemistry first. You have to be interested in the person physically to get to know their personality. And you're right, if you end up talking an you're not compatible, no harm done.
I just think most guys are full of crap when they answer "personality" because they want to seem righteous. If I had a penny for every time I've heard "...I'm not your typical guy..."
I still agree....Most of the people answer 'personality' coz they think this is the right answer....or it sounds good...but to say the truth I don't think they wiil act like that.
They are still humans and still are urder the spell of biochemistry....and its a fact..no one can act against it.