Originally Posted by Xanvius
What do you recommend then for learning Japanese? Online classes? If so do you know of any that you would recommend to me?
I don't know about online classes, but if you check out your local colleges and universities they may offer some courses. The college near to me offers a course for example, and it seemed reasonably cheap.
I'd personally recomend books/CDs, but everyone learns differently and for me learning that way suits me. I personally used the "Teach Yourself" series to learn the basics in romaji, and then went onto "Japanese for Busy People" which used kana and kanji. There's two sites I can recomend for revision, the first is for spoken Japanese and the second for kanji revision:
List Of Lessons and
Drill and learn the Japanese kanji
I won't claim this way of learning has made me fluent or an expert, but I've managed to learn quite a lot, enough to survive over in Japan when I go. The best way of learning a language is immersion, unless you're completely surrounded by it you'll forget things or miss out on things, but you can still learn a lot, and with practise I'm sure you'll do great, however you go about learning
Edit: I'd also add try watching Japanese language shows and listening to the music, it'll be a good way to introduce you to the sounds and pronounciation, and a way of testing what you know later on. It can at times teach you new words and phrases too, if you have the subtitles on of course (although I'd be wary with that method).