To be honest I thought it would be all fun, and that I within a year would be proficient in this language. But it turns out to be way harder than any other language I've learnt. I've reached a point where it isn't just fun, exciting and new anymore. Now I really have to force myself into keeping up with translating childrens books and Japanese articles.
If it isn't fun, why don't you do something to make it fun again? I myself have many troubles understanding vocabulary and grammar, but that didn't stop me from widening my Japanese. There are kind people around who would help you correct your mistakes, and you can find them in this forum

I think a good way to learn is to have several sources instead of just textbooks. There are manga, anime, games, TV drama and TV shows, and novels. Each gives you a large variety of titles to choose, so as long as you choose suitable materials, it's always fun to keep learning and practicing Japanese

One more thing, Japanese isn't a language that you can be fluent in 1 year. Set the time to 5-7 years and you'll be much more relaxed. I have self-studied it more than 2 years and my Japanese is still bad, but I'm happy whenever I learn something new or when someone correct a mistake of mine.
That's all I can say. I hope you can regain your enthusiasm, and good luck with your studying.