I have had very little time this weekend, and ヤムさん, you have posted a meaty, long and difficult-looking post for me to devour; so I promise I will respond to that soon, but I cannot respond yet! I am sorry.
I am sorry for not replying to the great one you wrote for me.
It has been taking me a bit longer time to finish because I don't want to make too many mistakes here to make you
Honestly, when I post at JF... Im usually having a little bit of お酒(さけ)and I just write whatvever comes up in my mind without deep thinking, and without a dictionary.
When Im sober, I do deep thinking and it makes me a bit afraid of saying wrong things by mistakes.
Now I realized how I have been lazy not using a dictionary properly to write better English.
I remember when I was a full time student, my dictionaries and I were like best friends! My favourite was OALD recommended by my favourite teacher from Manchester.
I used it not only for looking up words, but for browsing and really enjoyed it. (Im not sure if browse is the right word...)
Now I decided to buy me a new dictionary!
My favourite OALD is now 10 years old and actually it's missing right now in my messy class room.
覚さん、Would you give me advice?
I was going to buy the latest OALD, but do you think I should choose one a bit easier? like "Oxford Wordpower Dictionary"?
I thought I needed a bilingual one too so I looked for it
Oxford University Press
I just wonder why there is Korean-English dictionary but not Japanese-English one...because less and less people are interested in Japanese?
ヤムさん、I know I can say this much: I am glad I made you smile! I would, and I'm sure ゆりさん would, love to hear any thoughts if you have time on Yuri's blog by posting comments there.
Thank you, yes you made me smile
ゆりさん's blog was interesting!I read some and I wanted to post what I thought, but I think I need some time too,to write proper one because I don't want to ruin her blog with my wrong English! It looks like she has been working hard!
Now I have to go back to work!
I started renovating my class room from Saturday but haven't finished yet so it's very messy here.
Do you enjoy DIY work? ("Do you do DIY work?" is proper here?)
I do and I like breaking things in parts and using them to make something different, recycling!
So my carpenter friend gave me an electric drill! Cool!
I will be back when I finished my DIY work.
覚さん Have a lovely day!