Originally Posted by MikeB
Whilst Japanese is a very fine language indeed, I don't think that I would be going to far in requesting that you reword this into English. I base this in the knowledge that you seem to have some grasp of English, enough to send out pointless and ill-considered insults at least! Perhaps you ought to consider your audience. Or are you, as I suspect, deliberately obfuscating your words in the understanding that your inarticulate, confrontational and utterly counter productive manner might further exacerbate the fact that most people will read what you wrote and think "what a cock!"?.
やっぱお前アホだな。何頑張って使った事もないような 単語使ってんだよ。他のカキコとまるで別人になってん じゃねーか。慣れない事すると疲れるから止めとけよ。