Originally Posted by Espair
Hi, this is my first post, I wanted to look through my old Japanese books and brush up before school starts again and have a question. Bare with me, its been a while
Anyways, how would I say "She will probably get married" and "She probably is getting married"
~かもしれません, works with the the root, so is あの女の人はけこんしてかもしれません。incorrect?
Also, is there a more casual way to refer to 'Her' than あの女の人は?
Thanks, somehow I feel this is a really noob question 
あの女の人はけこんするかもしれません。is correct (except for け
I am not sure the difference between the two English sentences you wrote, but あの女の人はけこんしてかもしれません。 is not correct.
You could say
いるかもしれません。But that would mean "That woman may be married"
かもしれません is closer to "maybe" than "probably".