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(#71 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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07-20-2010, 03:00 AM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
In the situation I described, I really thought I was dreaming or hallucinating. I would not allow myself to believe that my grandmother came back and walked through her house like she was saying good bye to it all. At least I didn't believe it until 20 years later I heard my cousin who I thought had been asleep through it, tell someone about experiencing it. We then went to the third one who had been in the room who confessed thinking the same as I had, that she was having a vivid dream. I can't say whether this was a case of telepathy allowing the three of us to share a single dream simultaneously, or if in fact our grandmother came back and said goodbye. I am open to either interpretation, I just know something very unusual happened that night.
Can I come up with a plausible, rational explanation? Probably I can but does it matter? If you beleive in what happened and if it brought you some comfort then that's a good thing.
Only thing I'd say is that few of us have memories that can remember things all that well 20 years later. When talking to someone else and comparing a memory from so long ago it is easy to remember it in such a way that it conforms with the memory of others. There is always a tendency for people to want to have reinforcement and confirmation from others so there is a tendency to fit your memories into a group mindset.

To illustrate this many years ago I worked in a max security prison. One night we had a riot and a number of us officers were taken hostage for a time. When it was all over we had to write reports of what had occurred. We did not collude with each other when writing the reports and all of us ended up having quite different recollections of the sequence of events and those involved. Some years later though after having discussed the riot as a group there became a sort of concensus on the events of the night. Our memories changed somewhat to fit into the group concensus.
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