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Asias (Offline)
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Please advice! Need help of a Japanese native speaker!!! - 07-21-2010, 10:09 AM

Good day everyone! A dear friend of mine is going to Japan for a long time. I want to make her a present with a meaningful phrase. As this present could be seen by other people knowing Japanese well, I woud appreciate if someone provided a correct translaion with preservation of the meaning:

1. Many roads, one way. (meaning wherever you go, whatever road you select, you are taking the only way - a dream);


2. The way is easier when somebody waits you at home.
(Meaning not only way home, but the way - going far away, staying for a long time and coming back, similar to the way of samurai)

I would appreciate quick and accurate answer, this is very important for me, it is much more than just a sentence.


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