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MikeB (Offline)
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07-21-2010, 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
How unprofessional and tasteless of you to call your students (clients) that! It tells us a lot about how you see this country and her people.

Fail? In what context? Are you referring to my suggestion that wearing yukatas during firework and summer festivals is okay, or have I failed at something else? Life perhaps? I'm not sure why you've interupted a perfectly fine discussion. Please elaborate.

You seem very angry and I'm very unsure as to what seems to have made you so. Judging by your name I'll assume that your Japanese and should therefore know that the term `obachan' is not offensive when describing someone who you know well and have a close relationship with; it meerely suggests the age, it might not be the politest form, but it's hardly unnatural for Japanese person to talk in such a manner. I showed this to my Japanese girlfriend and her only reaction was to roll her eyes criticise me for spending any time whatsoever responding to points like the one that you just made. The reason I do, however, is that Japanese culture can sometimes be quite difficult so I think that clarifying this issue to a greater audience might be of some value.

In regards to professionality, well, if by being unprofessional you mean to infer that that having a close relationship with one's students is unprofessional, then yes, I am unprofessional. If you being unprofessional means helping students move house and offering to do all sorts of things for them then yes, I am unprofessional. If unprofessional means being invited to their house for dinner then I am indeed unprofessional. But with such a subjective word I'm at a loss to understand why you might have dished it out without being able to understand the context.

As for tasteless, well taste is indeed a subjective thing, personally I quite like classical music, but I'm aware that not all people do, that neither makes them nor I tasteless. I am however at a complete loss why you send this personal message to me:

Originally Posted by masaegu
Fuck off, you hater!
Nothing before, nothing after and no justification.

I would have respected your privacy and responded to you respecting the manner in which the message was delivered; if not the content. However, you seemed to have blocked me from responding to you directly and hence forced me to publish its contents here. If you can take the usage of one word and create some strange arugment alleging that I have to profound disrespect for Japan and its people, despite describing my admiration, then well that's the oldest trick in the book... Create a position where there is none. In which case my girlfriend is right, there really is no point discussing anything with you.


Last edited by MikeB : 07-21-2010 at 02:13 PM.
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