Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
It is "textbook correct" that only women use わ. However, it has changed as a result of Kansai influence on the Kanto region over the past few decades I think. You will hear men say わ now, but I'd counsel against it unless you know what you're doing. I don't ever use わ for that reason—I don't feel confident enough in my understanding of when to use it as a male!
Many thanks for making it clear, Kyle
Anyway, I had no intention of using it from the very start, and I still think the same now. Plus I'm well awared that my level is way behind yours, so I wouldn't dare do something that even you don't dare
Originally Posted by Mayonnaise
I have noticed other your mistakes.
0:02 : 「神の子」不動、そう呼ばれた少年の登場で弓道会は激 震した
Not て
0:09 : これからの弓道会を背負って立つ存在だったはずの「神 の子」は忽然と弓道会から姿を消した
Not て, either.
2:32 (loudest voice) : 立川のヤロー...いつも俺に楯突きやがって...今に見てろ よ...
About 「わ」
Thank you.
I felt something was wrong, especially about the first part in 2:32, but I couldn't figure it out.
Originally Posted by kingindou
2:31 (girly voice) : 立川君...________
立川君、 弓が引けないよ~
2:35 (the boy's voice) : ___________くせに_____________してんじゃねーよ!
男のくせに なよなよしてんじゃねーよ
3:20 : 今は______________あれを超えられる弓を___________
今は、 あまり聞かなくなったけど、あれを超えられる弓を引けたら
The boy recently doesn't hear of 「神の子」不動.He wants to outstrip 不動.
Awesome! One more question. The verb 引く in this context means "to shoot a bow", correct?