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MikeB (Offline)
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07-21-2010, 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
Okay... well... moving past the ruckus here a little, as I don't want to get involved~
Absolutely, neither do I really, don't really have any clue what it's about and exactly what it has to do with gaijin wearing yukatas. Apparently unless your Japanese, casually and anonymously referring to middleaged friends as obachans is now deeply offensive to everyone (except, coincidentally, eveyone I've ever met,) and a definite sign that any person making such a comment has a pathological hatred Japan and everything Japanese, not sure how the logic works or the cultural rule behind it, but I'm sure it's a die hard traditional Japanese value that dates back to the grand old age of a few hours ago.

Either that or someone likes to pick a fight; I'll leave that judgment up to the audience. Or I would do but I can't, you see, allegedly I'm the new bully 'round here and on everyone's ignore lists so it seems as though I have no audience, nobody is reading this, (least of all the author of the allegations), and that the conversation is solely between you and I, Columbine.

Anyway, if there is anyone who is looking at this post, why not check my accusers liturgy of totally inappropriate, uncalled for and abusive posts here?

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
I guess it's a little different though; due to the history and how African Americans have had to fight for a voice, so I can see why that might cause more upset than it would in Japan. It's kind of reciprocal anyway; Japanese culture borrows from British culture, and we don't see that as 'stealing'. If anything it's seen as sort of sweet, or a refreshing take on what is over here a tired old theme.
Absolutely, but my point is that I think that some gaijin are using those criteria to judge what is and what's not correct within a culture wherein such judgments don't apply. Would you agree with this? Moreover, just to be clear, are we in absolute agreement that wearing a yukata to a summer festival is acceptable?

Last edited by MikeB : 07-21-2010 at 05:54 PM.
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