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(#55 (permalink))
RandomGenuis (Offline)
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Posts: 18
Join Date: Jun 2010
i have so much free time these days - 07-22-2010, 04:02 AM

sry people i enjoy creating things. Yay another visored

Name: kaze arashi (wind storm)

Zanpakutou: a two tone shade of gray cross wrap on a wakazashi.

Release command: rage

Shikai: a spear with a longer narrower blade at the top the blade the shaft is black the blade is white and rounded at the bottom instead of a pommel

abilities: wind manipulation- think of any form of wind storm this is what manifests from this zanpakutou

Bankai: The bankai is a weapon called yuen yang razors if you don't know what that is plz look it up on google. There also known as duck blades or roster knives. the main blade is black the rest of them are white.

Abilities: Just a power boost and speed boost this style of fighting would require you to be a good hand to hand fighter which this character is so he also gets a body harden boost so he may fight on the same lvl as others in a close combat fight.

Mask: This mask looks alot like halibels mask but with four extra long fangs two up and two down one of each on both sides of the mouth area and it has a whole head thing like a visored mask but the forehead is plain the only other feature is four horns curved to the back of the head which looks like what is holding it on

Mask abiltites: just like all others a power boost and cero

Cero: he holds it in his hand like a ball and using his wind abilities blows wind through it and turns it itnto a three second long cero gatling gun but each blast is enhanced with wind so it slices insted of burns

P.S. each blast is curved like ichigo's getsuga tenshou
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