07-22-2010, 08:59 AM
For me Japan is everything it's made up to be and more. The culture is very different to what we're used to in Europe; cultures that are markedly different but contain a great many similarities. Adjusting to that can sometimes be a little difficult, but it is an immensely interesting and rewarding experience; especially if you are interested in the historical and religious aspects of the country. It's also worth pointing out that the Japanese understand that their culture can be a little difficult, so they won't expect you to get it all right first time, what matters is the effort.
At first you might be so surprised by the culture and the life that you will wonder why everywhere isn't just like Japan, or at least why everywhere doesn't try to be. The streets are clean and safe, there's no such thing as a ghetto and almost everybody is polite and respectful. After a while you might begin to have some frustration creep in as a result of not being able to properly understand or integrate with certain parts of the culture, but give it time and don't be too hard on yourself. Also around about this time you will realise that in some ways Japan could learn more from the West too, especially in regard to the extremely long working hours that many of them tend to subject themselves too. But on balance, I prefer Japanese culture to my own, which is why I'm still here.
On whole, the people here are absolutely fantastic, I've never been to a place where there have been so many kind hearted, honest and sincere people and it follows that for these reasons Japan is my favourite country. I prefer it to any country I've ever been to, including my own.
Hope that helps!