Konichiwa, bitches
Posts: 921
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: under your bed
07-23-2010, 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by RandomGenuis
name: Tsuchibomu (earth bomb)
Zanpakutou: A green and black wrap katana and the tsuba or guard is a circle with circles in a circle in it.
Release command: Destroy
shikai: A monks cudgel (plz look it up if u can't follow)
Abilities: can fill up at the top with mud and shoot it out like a missile, can fill up with gravel and shoot it out like a machine gun, fills up with mudd and shoots it like a flame thrower it hardens when it hits sumthin
Can thrust the top into the ground pull it out coated in rocks and mudd to form a big ball and fires it and it explodes, the mud hardens usually in the shape of spikes
Bankai: Not yet achieved this character is vise captain lvl strength
UUMMMMMMMMM............ Do you have enough ideas for Zanpakutos?? You kinda have a lot here. LMAO!! 