07-23-2010, 11:54 PM
"I'm a great writer"
I'm sorry, but I'm done reading your posts. If you can't show enough respect to the posters here to be bothered to get your native language even up to a fifth grade level, I can't be bothered to help you with a language you don't even speak. How can you expect to learn Japanese if you don't even try to get English right? You realize it's going to be harder for you to learn Japanese than English, right?
Also, you're an awful writer. Get back to studying. There are people here from Vietnam, China, Thailand, and Japan who have better English composition skills than you!
Note: If you're in fifth grade or lower, I'm sorry for being rude. But still, exspeailly????????
Last edited by KyleGoetz : 07-23-2010 at 11:58 PM.