Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
覚さん こんにちは!
ヤムさん こんにちは!
"Isn't it. They're cute!"
I concur.
Guess what?! Actually they are my neighbours
We live in the same prefecture called 長野県 (Nagano ken)!
(I basically live in 神奈川県(Kanagawa ken) but I go to Nagano almost every week and stay there for 3-7 days,so I kind of live there too)
I have been that Onsen area to see the monkeys!
I hope you enjoy watching all the かわいい おさるさんたち!
Yes they are very sweet! Especially that tiny one at around 3:00! I also find their grumpy faces hilarious! Overall, however, I still must concur with your original analysis that they are cute...!
You will see the subtitles there,but there are too many 漢字s, so let's come back here together to read them when you feel more comfortable with 漢字s.
Yes, I couldn't read any of that...!
I'm sorry 覚さん I'm afraid my last posts have too many 漢字s and all.
So let's go back there later
So...How are you going with your ひらがな(and カタカナ) study?
Are there any characters confuse you?
Erm, almost all of them...? Actually it's not too bad. I'm trying to get used to them just by using them and going over things we've said here; I find it very helpful to have examples. As I get used to them, though, I'm picking up on patterns that don't make sense to me.
For instance:
ま and よ have similarities of form, but sound completely different.
As with え and ん and others...
But I guess I'm only looking for patterns because their are patterns of same vowels and same consonants in the sounds, which don't correspond to any of the same forms; whereas in English the letters have not born any significance in themselves for thousands of years, so perhaps I shouldn't be looking for a pattern...?
When I started learning English Alphabet, b and d confused me all the time.
The other day one of my students told me she often forgot how to write q.
Here is how I told her to remember it (the pic below)
Ah yes, that's good, but I don't get the second one; why is q like 9?
I'm ready to give you some quiz/test/homework about ひらがな and カタカナ so when you are ready, please let me know!
A quiz sounds good...