Originally Posted by sarvodaya
ヤムさん こんにちは!
こんにちは 覚さん
Yes, let's come back to the monkey story a little later!
but please let me know when you'd like to try to read the subtitles, cos I've got all the lines typed in a file already
Yes, I couldn't read any of that...!
Oh, but you will

I learnt that I have to write
No, + negative sentense, but when it's colloquial, doesn't matter?
Erm, almost all of them...?
ほとんど すべて ですか?
Actually it's not too bad. I'm trying to get used to them just by using them and going over things we've said here;
I find it very helpful to have examples. As I get used to them, though,
I'm picking up on patterns that don't make sense to me.
For instance:
ま and よ have similarities of form, but sound completely different.
As with え and ん and others...
But I guess I'm only looking for patterns because their are patterns of same vowels and same consonants in the sounds,
which don't correspond to any of the same forms;
whereas in English the letters have not born any significance in themselves for thousands of years,
so perhaps I shouldn't be looking for a pattern...?
To tell you the truth...I was writing and drawing to try to explain these formations of ひらがな... but it wasn't going well... so I couldn't reply you sooner, Im sorry.
BUT I finally found the best website for you!
It's much much much much better than my writing and drawing!
I just loved it and hope you will love it too!
(I really liked it and sent an email to the creater to thank him!)
Ah yes, that's good, but I don't get the second one; why is q like 9?
OK, I will give you a clue then

(Please see the pic below)
Would you like to try a ひらがなquiz next time?

hahaha I'm joking.
but maybe you can add to tell me where you go or why you go.
そろそろ しごとに行く じかんです。
How about this?
いま ともだちが ビールをもって あそびに きまし た。
では ちょっと のんできます!
see you