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(#243 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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07-30-2010, 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by GreyGhost View Post
it's not that they have more honor and morals then other parts of Japan, but I like the old (fudel era) type of thinking, and Kyoto is more "old" type Japan, like the Fudel era is it not?
Kyoto was the capitol city of Japan before Edo (Tokyo) became the capitol 150 years ago.

What is a "feudal era type of thinking"? In many ways these were violent and brutal times. I think you are transposing a storybook image of the honorable samurai to the way the modern Kyoto-ite thinks and acts.

Kyoto is a city with a lot of history and a lot of historically significant sites, but it is also a very modern city what is certainly the most interesting train station in the country.

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