Thread: The JLPT
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(#14 (permalink))
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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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07-31-2010, 02:22 AM

Hmm, there's an old JPLT 4 list that's been circling around and been reused by various errors -- some giving the kanji for words that are normally written in kana, and some that write basic kanji using-words words in just kana (Like 赤ちゃん is written あかちゃん).

JLPT Resources - Free Japanese Vocabulary lists and MP3 sound files has these problems, but it's pretty good. Though you might wanna double check their stuff. (1 kyuu vocab lists hiragana of "愛憎"' as "あいにく", it should be "あいぞう", and that's the first error at the top of the list. Who knows how many more there are.)
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