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(#62 (permalink))
RandomGenuis (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2010
07-31-2010, 09:51 PM

Originally Posted by RandomGenuis View Post
LOL mah villian

Name: Heiretsu Kenkon (Parallel Universe)

Zanpakutou: A solid green wrap and the handle is more sqaure the tsuba is a circle with strips throughout

Release command: Confuse 'em

Shikai: the only differences is that the blade becomes black and white the sharper end being the white side

Abilities: When released this zanpakutou has the ability to make its opponent see double of everything and everytime you move things switch around in your vision

Think of it like lookin at two arms one is sort of like mist anything will pass through it but when u move they switch but since your in a continous movement the arms are switching constantly until the movement comes to a complete halt- Imagine this but its applied to everything you can see

This soul reaper has not yet achieved bankai but is still at captain lvl
Anyone can claim any of mah ideas an call them their own i can always just come up wit more but if u have sumthin in mind u want me to make jus lemme know
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