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JF Ossan
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08-02-2010, 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by manganimefan227 View Post
Interesting, care to elaborate? (As far as how much they make) I've always wondered if writing and drawing a manga, like Masashi Kishimoto, would be enough to live on.

And to those who may have this senario:

If a manga/anime was never lisenced in America, you should have never had the access to watch/read it online, and chances are, if you heard of it from a fellow American, they should not have heard it either and so on . . .
No, it is not a high paying or particularly glamorous lifestyle. It's almost worse when one gets popular, as there is more pressure for more pages a week/month from the publisher, and assistants have to be hired to help draw, shade, etc.

In this modern online world we hear about new titles instantly. It wasn't like that 15 years ago before Internet. There are plenty of manga I have picked up in Japan by artists I like that haven't been licensed in the US, so I can't read them in English. That's life! I can just suggest them to American manga publishers and hope for the best.

Gotta run now, but Jason I will get to your points later tonight.
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