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(#2 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
08-02-2010, 02:22 AM

The castle is a good idea. I went there in late November last year and the autumn leaves were perfect... October might be good too, but I think it might be a little bit early for those post card esque colors. There's a big park there that you can walk around for a while. I remember looking for a place to eat and being dissapointed though! So if you go there make sure you time it so you aren't starving looking for a place to eat right after you're done.

Something that is really iconic is the Guriko sign in downtown Osaka. It's kind of a cool place to get a picture if you have the chance. It's right next to a river... and if I remember correctly there is a don kiyote (I think that was the place...) that has a passageway to a ferris wheel that you can ride, which I think would be quite nice at nighttime (it was out of order when I went though).

If you like Okonomiyaki or Takoyaki you definitely don`t wanna miss out on eating some while you're there. I'm not an expert on the area, so maybe someone else could tell you a good place to eat at (I'm sure a google search might give you a start).

If it rains, you could always go to the aquarium, which is indoors. I had a pretty good time there when I went, but it's one of those things that you can kind of see anywhere if you know what I mean. They had some interesting fish there though!

By the way, sometimes taking a couple of taxi cabs might be cheaper than taking the train. It might help to plan out a route before you go if you're looking to save money and time that way.

What are you interested in? What kind of stuff do you wanna see/don't wanna see? That might help other people help you.
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