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Mab (Offline)
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Japanese fashion for blacks... - 08-02-2010, 04:59 AM

Tried to use the search function but the word "black" attracts lots of unwanted results.

So, I'm what you americans call brown, or mullato, mulatto, whatever. And am into japanese culture and fashion.
I'm really annoyed with this race issue so I'm gonna ask before making any actions (and wasting money).

First: can a tall, "mulatto" girl pull off a lolita style with some success? I know everything I thing about lolita fashion, but this.
I don't know what to think. Being tall kinda handcaps me, but having a cute enough face to constantly not being able to buy beer because people think I'm not 18 yet (I'm 20) may help. Maybe, lol.

Second: What if a light black goes for the ganguro look? Would it look nice? I mean, having a naturally dark skin and such may help... or not. I don't know if ganguro is supposed to be tanned skin, because on every fanart of "ganguro" girls I search on danbooru, they really have my skin color. So yeah, I got the idea "hey it might work" from danbooru.
I could try, but my hair is relaxed so I have to be sure of my decision because I spent sooo much money growing my hair and I don't want to fuck it up.

Is there any other japanese fashion trend that a "black" could follow?
Browsed the forums a lot, but no word about the issue... I guess japanese fashion is really for whities, eh?

Personal opinions are appreciated.
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