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YuriTokoro (Offline)
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08-02-2010, 07:23 AM

Originally Posted by RazerKill View Post
*Der Lehrer unterrichtet dem Studenten Mathematik

*Sie bieten den Studenten etwas Kaffee an.

maybe that students also could be pupils - so *schüler*

they are not wrong but they sound strange

but the difficult part with the der-die-dem etc. is right
Guten Tag, RazerKill.
Vielen Dank!

I have made example sentences with “Schüler”.

The male student goes to a shop. = Der Schüler geht zu einem Geschäft.

The male student’s father is a doctor. = Der Vater des Schülers ist ein Arzt.

The teacher teaches the male student science. = Der Lehrer unterrichtet dem Schüler wissenschaft.

The teacher scolds the male student. = Der Lehrer zankt den Schüler aus.

The male students go to sea. = Die Schüler gehen zu Meer.

This is a teacher of the male students. = Das ist ein Lehrer der Schüler ten.

A teacher gives the male students some books. = Ein Lehrer gibt den Schülern einige Bücher.

The teacher invites the male student to a party. = Der Lehrer lädt die Schüler zu einer Partei ein.

I have a question.
When you say "female student", which do you say “Studentin” or “Schülerin”?


Hello, I may not understand English very well and I may lack words but I will try to understand you.

If you have questions about my post or Japanese customs, don't hesitate to ask.

I YamaP
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