hello to everyone...
my name is ルドルフ - haha..yea, i found it on the internet...i sure hope it says rudolf tho...
today i had to make a choice either to become a translator from english to latvian and russian and vice versa or to study japanese...
and i made my mind on japanese and studies will start in september...
however, i have decided beforehand to try to find a person or maybe even several to help me with my studies...and i dont mean like giving me somekind of visual aids..no, i am just interested to start writing with someone who is from japan - to learn more about culture and language...to share thoughts and stuff liek that...
i have also seen enough anime to discuss so that aspect wont be a problem...who knows..maybe ill be able to help you with your english - well i got pretty high scores on the test and i havent seen a movie in my native language in 4 years - only in english and japanese...
and so...ill grab my coffe tho its ony 16:04 and check this forum out
and ill be hoping for some responses
P.S and i just noticed some language exchange subforum so probably this is the wrong place for my topic... sorry