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JF Ossan
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08-03-2010, 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by duo797 View Post
They're trying to work with major publishing houses to create a platform that would allow artists/publishers to put content online and still earn a profit. It sounds like they'll have different payment models, which might include a no-pay plan where you just get the bare-bones in terms of content. If you want the specifics, though, you'll have to check this blog, since I don't remember off the top of my head what they said exactly.
OpenManga Official Blog
Actually they met with Japanese publishers and were never able to reach an agreement.

The problem with the OpenManga is two-fold.

1) Even if publishers agree to work with OneManga to bring manga online for a pay service, where does that leave the scanlators? Nowhere, that's where. Publishers are not going to allow alternative versions of their titles to be "published" online. They have translators and they have the RAWs. There is no place for scanners and translators.

2) Why is the publisher going to want to share profits with OpenManga? Surely the publishers in foreign countries will not be very happy with Japanese publishers that agree to work with a system like this. That threatens, for example, Viz's profits.

Last edited by MMM : 08-03-2010 at 12:41 AM.
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