Thread: Chinese!
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04-05-2007, 07:11 PM

Okay, I might've been a bit over line there. However,

1) you were the one who said it (regarding to your why-are-you-attacking-me-comment)
2) no, you're not the only one, but since your pretty much dominating this chain, I'd say you define the standard
3) maybe not utterly, completely useless, but you (and here I don't mean you but anyone) can go to a Chinese person and pronounce those sentences without their respective tones in your American / whatever accent, and see if you can make yourself understood. Might work with really common & simple sentences, but on the other hand, think about how much damage it can do to your Chinese learning if you really wanted to learn the language, but start off by learning to pronounce words and sentences in a twisted, incomprehensible manner?

I do apologise for my TONE. That was nothing personal.


Oh, and please don't point out my misspellings if you understand what I meant. Wan3 an1!

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