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YukisUke (Offline)
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08-03-2010, 12:34 PM

Originally Posted by SSJup81 View Post
Sorry, but this argument doesn't fly. Wrong is still wrong. Illegal, technically, is still illegal. Yeah, we all have bills to pay. I have them too, but if I couldn't buy something (at that time), I just suffered and waited until I was able to. I did use Onemanga, I'm not going to say I didn't, but at the same time, it was sorta in the way Payne222 was using it (reading ahead until the US put out something) or reading it until I had the funds to go back to collecting tangible copies again, like after I lost my job.

An example of the former that comes to mind is when I was reading +Anima. The US only had up to volume 7 at the time, and I was so anxious to know what was going to happen next, I pre-ordered volume 8 and looked for scanlations of it too. lol
So you're saying it's wrong yet you used it when you didn't have the money to get your manga?? That's funny.
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