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TalnSG (Offline)
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08-03-2010, 04:09 PM

Ganguro is probably not going to go over well in most places. It's not looked on that favorably in many places even for whites, but for blacks it may recall the history of "black-faced" whites in theatre with very negative reactions.

If your features are as soft as it sounds, being mulatto shouldn't be hinderance for getting a good Lolita look. It will be rather unique, though. The only black woman I know with an understanding of the style tried going in that direction subtly, but being part Japanese her features were too angular and sharp to look right (and it clashed with her personality).

Be careful with the color choices. What Jaydelart said is often true, but some mulattos have too much of a yellow undertone to their skin to wear some shades yellow well, especially bright ones. Take some fabric scraps and check how the look against your skin in sunlight and indoors before investing in a dress. If there is a color you really like, but doesn't look right, you can usually make it an accent or even have it in much of the fabric as long as it isn't too close to bare skin. There is whole range of yellows and pinks that make me look ill, but I can use them sparingly and away from my face.

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