This would totally be mine!!!!
Name: Hakkyou (Insanity)
Zanpakutou: A wakazashi with a black with red cross wrap and the tsuba is of a really big smile but without the teeth
Release Command: Slaughter
Shikia: The shikia is a Reaaly big cleaver the blade being about 3 feet and the hand being a foot in length. The tip of the blade ends in a point instead of curving though and its serrated but the serration is upside down.
Abilites: The Upwards serration is where intense lighting juts out making the blade longer and cutting ability skyrockets. But the lightning can shoot bolts of lightning as well.
Bankai: The cleaver actually bactracks into the wakazashi but the blade has the same upwards serration instead of shooting bolts of lightning it calls it down instead either multiple bolts or really big devastating ones.
It also has an ultimate attack like hitsugaya's bankai
Attack: The weilder calls down a vortex of clouds with lightning spiralling in the middle and he can shoot out insane lightning bolts in almost any direction or he can trap an opponent inside and destroy him it kinda looks like this
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