Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
Exclamation points!? Delicious! Please sir, may I have some more!?
Haha  This is the first I've heard of your magic flash cards, so I don't mind you posting about them  And thanks for the explanation -- I had looked for KiC before and wondered why they were so expensive...
When your flashcards come out I would gladly use them
BTW, Off subject; I kinda prefer multi-choice quizzes to flash cards JapaneseClass.jp | Note List Here, you can create your own notes to quiz from.
And yeah, I feel confident I know a fairly substantial number of kanji, however I have put so little time into formal kanji study it's not funny  I would really like to try out what you're doing Kyle. Oh well, if I can't get it for a reasonable price I can always go the not so legal route... bwahaha
I don't think there's a torrent for KiC anywhere.