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edelweiss (Offline)
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08-06-2010, 07:08 AM

Originally Posted by Mab View Post
Just to clear something that came up... I always thought that lolita = white dresses and accessories, and gothic lolita = black dresses with red/some other color details.
But by what you guys are saying, it can be of any color... just have to be, well, lolita.

Thanks, look like I knew nothing at all in the end.
Lolita has a lot of different sub-divisions and there are scores of other styles that incorporate what we would think of as being Lolita and might think look like Lolita but are considered completely separate styles. Some differences are in color but others have to do with types of accessory choices, skirt length, materials used and which clothing label the items come from.

I would say that Sweet Lolitas might wear more white but they can wear any number of colors including red and black. Gothic Lolita may be more black and white heavy but may wear other dark rich colors.

Here's a list I found that may explain a bit further, even people in the Lolita scene don't always agree on it:

egl: Types of Lolita

And good old Wiki:

Lolita fashion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Last edited by edelweiss : 08-06-2010 at 07:12 AM.
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