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yumyumtimtam (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Feb 2010
覚さんへ - 08-06-2010, 05:35 PM

There is a well-known British comedian, Paul Merton, who always used to say "Ennit marvellous!" as a sort of catchphrase.
I "youtubed" him and saw some, and now I got really interested!
I couldn't find the part when he said "Ennit marvellous" but will keep watching those shows he's in!Like The Series and HIGNY !
Oh now I remember that I used to watch "Mind Your Language" and "Babes in the woods".
I think I like British comedy

I know a girl from England says fabulous (or fab) all the time!
And I remember one of my Aussie friends in Melbourne, he used to say "fantastic" and other friend said "unreal" all the time!
I used to say "cool" too often.

I don't think people in Japan use that many varieties of adjectives.
I mean I believe there ARE hundrends of adjectives in Japanese to express how nice the things are but I don't hear them in my everyday life.

And I used to amazed how the kids make up words with "head" in English.
Once I was asked to translate "air-head" into Japanese,
so I told them that we didn't have the same word for that
but the kids wanted to say it in Japanese to my friend, an English Japanese teacher.
I didn't want them to be rude like that even they said it's just a joke.
Anyway, they asked me again what's the word for the air and for head.
So I said くうき and  あたま they are.
And the kids, the 2 boys started calling くうきあたま!each other.
Which doesn't make much sense in Japanese.

Here are some quiz for you.

は た ら く
There are 4 characters here,but one of them is different from other 3 for a reason.
Which one and why?

ま た あ し た
Here is another one, for the same reason
Can you pick up one which is different from others?

Hope my questions&all don't sound too childish or boring to you.
(I'm so stupid to ask you this question, ain't I?You wouldn't say "Yes,they are totally boring!" cause you are polite and all!But if you have any request for me to change or stop or add,please let me know!
I will try not to drink too much and think carefully )
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